Location 531 Main St. Seneca, KS 66538
Mon - Fri 7:30am - 4:00pm Saturday-Sunday Closed


The Seneca Softball Board will be in charge of the concessions stand for the 2022 Softball Season.  You will need to sign-up for the number of slots as you have children participating in softball (i.e 3 girls playing, sign-up for 3 slots.  (Head Coaches/Assistant Coaches do not need to sign-up). This will get us pretty close to filling all slots, so if anyone would be interested in signing up for more, we would appreciate it!

You can either choose to base umpire/work the concessions stand for a shift.  You can choose the shift you would like to work prior to Wednesday, May 18th at 5:00 p.m.  If you are not signed up prior to May 18th at 5:00 p.m., you will be assigned shift(s).

There will be additional worklist for the Tri-County Softball tournamnet which will be hosted by Seneca on July 6-July 10th.

Currently Registering

There are no Youth Softball registrations taking place at this time.